Thursday, March 26, 2009

Education of a Citizen

Note Well that I am not attempting a comprehensive solution for this issue, but only am reflecting briefly for the sake of my friends who read this blog.

What makes a citizen educated for the 21st century? Is it only right to give a person enough competency for the achievement of gainful employment? Should the students be required to pass a state/federal test that labels one "educated?" Would a return to the classical education that was en vogue during our founding give our students the background knowledge they need to understand the ideas that birthed our Constitution and various state laws? Is a technology only education the only qualification anymore? What about educating the whole person? Is that too old fashioned?

I have a lot a questions. I hope to discuss this idea more with you my visitor. Thanks for stopping by.

Publius Americanus UPNY

1 comment:

  1. Educating the whole person does seem to be old-fashioned but it is essential. Today what passes for education is either "tech school" or pure indoctrination.

    The classic "liberal education" taught you the classics (Western Civilization) and how to be an independent thinker.

    The problem with that approach today is that the Left--who have taken over most public education and who quite literally hate Western culture--believe that approach is indoctrination and avoid it like the plague.
